CategoriesHealthy Foods Lifestyle

Uses of BEE Natural’s Lakadong Turmeric

Lakadong turmeric


You have probably heard of turmeric as the main spice ingredient in curry in India. Lakadong Turmeric has lots of other benefits than just acting as a colour and flavour agent in our food. The root of turmeric is medicinal and is used widely to make medicines. The countless benefits of turmeric are still unknown to some. It is commonly used for conditions involving pain and inflammation, such as osteoarthritis. It is also beneficial for hay fever, depression, high cholesterol, and a type of liver disease. Some people use turmeric for heartburn, thinking and memory skills, inflammatory bowel disease, stress, and many other conditions, however, we don’t have scientific evidence to support them as yet.

You may be wondering how it works, and what properties of this turmeric make it medicinal and beneficial. Well, we will now clear all your doubts! Turmeric contains an active chemical compound called Curcumin. This is the miracle ingredient that makes Lakadong turmeric known to be beneficial for treating conditions that involve inflammation. BEE Natural Lakadong Turmeric’s curcumin content is more than 6% as compared to 2 – 3% found in other varieties available in the market, therefore making it more effective.

Let us now dive in and look into what you can do with BEE Natural’s Lakadong Turmeric other than just using it in your food.

Turmeric for face
If you are someone who struggles with acne and sensitive skin, then turmeric might be your help and saviour here. Its antiseptic and antibacterial properties help prevent breakouts and heal existing acne. Turmeric is also high in antioxidants which can slow your skin’s aging process.

You can make a Raw Honey and Turmeric Face Pack and treat your skin right. Honey is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and immediately calms the redness and irritation on the skin. When mixed with Lakadong turmeric it can work wonders.
All you require is raw honey, milk, Lakadong turmeric. and follow the steps below:
Mix ½ tablespoon of Lakadong turmeric powder, ½ tablespoon of milk, and ½ tablespoon of raw honey.
After the paste is ready, apply this pack all over your face and neck.
Keep it on for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with warm water.
Use this pack 2-3 times a week and enjoy the benefits of glowing skin.

Golden milk

Golden milk is a traditional Indian drink made using turmeric and milk, which gives it a yellow or gold hue. Are you aware that this golden milk has been gaining a lot of popularity in Western culture too! It’s known for its health benefits and is used as an alternative remedy to boost immunity and ward off illness. Some of its common and potential benefits include the following:
Reducing inflammation
Preventing cell damage
Improving mood
Supporting brain function and improving memory
Preventing heart disease
Lowering blood sugar level
Boosting immune system
Improving bone health
Aiding digestion

To make the Golden milk, all you need to do is simply boil a glass of milk with 1 tablespoon of Lakadong turmeric in a saucepan or a pot and bring it to boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Strain the drink through a fine strainer into a mug and top off with a pinch of cinnamon.
The Golden milk can also be made in advance and stored in your refrigerator for up to five days. Simply reheat it before drinking.

Lakadong Turmeric Milk


Turmeric heals wounds
Having antiseptic and antibacterial properties, Lakadong turmeric is known to heal wounds and cuts. The curcumin property found in turmeric heals wounds by decreasing inflammation. It lowers the response of our body to cuts and wounds, resulting in quick healing.
To treat the cuts and wounds, clean the wounded area, simply apply the Lakadong turmeric paste, and tie it up with a bandage. Avoid contact with water to help heal the wound quicker.

Sounds interesting? Well go ahead and try it yourself and we’d be happy to hear your feedback.

Aruna Lama
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